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Tensions were building between France and Germany; each was afraid that the other was going to invade. Thus, Germany wanted to deter France by building military support.

Also, Russia was hostile towards Germany because Bismarck revised the San Stefano Treaty against Russia's favour; Germany needed someone to weather these hostilities with. The Dreikaiserbund already placed Germany and Austria as past allies, Austria also needed strengthening against Russia, so Bismarck and Andrássy (Austria-Hungary's Foreign Minister) joined forces.

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Germany formed a dual alliance with Austria-Hungary so that if a war started they wouldn't have to worry about going to war with each other and no country faced the prospect of fighting a war alone.

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because that way the countries have a stronger army so it would be more likley to win if you get what im sayin

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Q: Why did Germany form a Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary?
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In 1879 Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to form a Dual Alliance. This became the Triple Alliance when in 1882 it was expanded to include Italy. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia. It was renewed at five-yearly intervals. The formation of the Triple Entente in 1907 by Britain, France and Russia, reinforced the need for the alliance.Illustration from Neil Demarco's The Great WarTriple Alliance Resources in 1914 CountryPopulation Soldiers Battleships Foreign Trade (£) Steel Production (tons) Germany 65,000,000 8,500,000 37 1,030,380,000 17,024,000 Austro-Hungary 49,882,231 3,000,000 16 198,712,000 2,642,000 Turkey 21,373,900 360,000 - 67,472,000 - In 1879 Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to form a Dual Alliance. This became the Triple Alliance when in 1882 it was expanded to include Italy. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia. It was renewed at five-yearly intervals. The formation of the Triple Entente in 1907 by Britain, France and Russia, reinforced the need for the alliance.In 1879 Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to form a Dual Alliance. This became the Triple Alliance when in 1882 it was expanded to include Italy. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia. It was renewed at five-yearly intervals. The formation of the Triple Entente in 1907 by Britain, France and Russia, reinforced the need for the alliance.

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