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Well it was Thomas Jefferson who originally sent them on their journey to the coast, so I would imagine that he would have wanted to be kept updated on their progress and what they saw as they went about their journey.

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Q: Why did Jefferson write to Lewis and Clark?
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Who was Lewis and Clark's sponsor?

Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis and Clark.

Why did President Jefferson write this letter to Lewis and Clark?

he wanted them to find information about the louisiana territory

Who was involved in the Lewis and clark expation?

sacagawea,lewis,clark,thomas jefferson

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Why did president Jefferson need Lewis and clark on the expedition where?

President Jefferson needed Lewis and Clark to map the Louisiana Territory and to explore it.

Who chose Lewis for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Thomas Jefferson

Why did Lewis and Clark go out west?

Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the west.

What didn't Lewis and clark find?

Thomas Jefferson expected Lewis and Clark to find Mammoths.

Who led the expedition into Louisiana Territory?

Lewis and Clark led the expedition.Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Why did Lewis and clark keep journals?

Lewis and Clark kept journals so that they could report their discoveries to President Jefferson. At the time, Jefferson had just bout the Louisiana Territory and he needed to know what was over there. He chose Lewis, who was his personal secretary to go on an expedition and Lewis chose Clark to accompany him and be his second in command. They basically just needed to write down everything that would have been useful for president Jefferson.

Who did Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana territory?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, and Zebulon Pike

What president assigned Lewis and Clark?
