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Because he was a Jew to.

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Q: Why did Louis Armstrong wear a star of David?
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Did Louis Armstrong wear a star of david?

I have never known him to wear the star of david.......

What religion was Louis Armstrong?

"As far as Religion, I'm a Baptist and a good friend of the Pope, and I always wear a Jewish Star for luck. " Louis Armstrong

What star did every Jew have to wear?

Star of David

What if Jewish people don't wear star of david?

During the Holocaust, those who didn't wear the Star of David were shot.

Do Jews have to wear the star of david?


Who was ordered to wear the star of david?

The Jews were required to wear the Yellow Stars of David

Why shouldn't Catholics wear the star of David?

can Catholics wear the sign of David Cross?

Did children have to wear the Star of David during the Holocaust?

Yes, every known Jew had to wear a yellow Star of David to identify themselves.

Where did the Jews wear the Star of David?


What did every Jew have to wear?

the star of David

Why did the officers in the ghettoes wear the star of david?

They did not only Prisoners in the Ghettos and Concentration Camps worned the star of david.

How long did they have to wear the star of david?

Until death