

Why did Steve Jobs leave apple computers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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In the mid 1980s Apple's sales were declining (as were computer sales generally); Jobs and his Macintosh team had no new Macintosh version for release and had produced a Macintosh Office (a computer and printer combination designed for business) that had not sold well and Apple had to write off millions of dollars. The then CEO John Sculley bought in Jean-Louis Gassée to take over Jobs position. Jobs began a power struggle to regain control of the company but the board of directors sided with Sculley and supported his decision. After several months of being sidelined at Apple, Jobs resigned on Friday, September 13, 1985. Jobs set up the NeXT computer company which Apple would purchase in 1996 for $429 million bringing Jobs back into Apple.

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He died of cancer. That makes it real hard to stay on a job or running a company.

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