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because he cut out his heart so they had something to burry back home

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Q: Why did Tristan stab Samuel in Legends of the fall?
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Can the skin fall?

This doesn't make sense. Fall off? Fall down? Fall from grace? So I'll take a stab ... Yes the skin can fall. Probably. Regards Tony E

Will blue marlin stab you if your surfboarding and you fall?

Only if you have anything of significant value on your person.

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There is no real cause for hair falling out when you stab yourself. If you feel like stabbing yourself, you should seek help from family and friends.

How does someone die if they're not sick?

someone could stab them or they could fall off the cliff.

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because normally when you stab someone, they fall over

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Other words that mean to be hurt?

kill, be let, devil, shoot, stab, kick, punch, fell, fall, elbow, dropkick also maim annihilate, bruise, slice, chop, stab, shank, slugged, slaughtered, mutilated, terminated

What Insane Clown Posse song says stab stab stab?

Quite a few of them, but "I Stab People" comes to mind first though.

How do you make your 5-year old brother stop cry ing?

stab stab stab

How does glass stab people?

the glass that broke will turn sharp then if you stab yourself the broken glass will stab you.

How do you stab covenants with a dagger in halo?

you stab it in the chest

What Act III scene ii of Julius Caesar when the crowd sees Caesar's body what makes them angry?

(Apex) His stab wounds.