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to protec de americans with his powers.. i love AMERICA hohoho felis navidad y prospero new year.... xD

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Q: Why did bengamin Franklin join the revolutionary war?
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How did Benjamin Franklin help the revolutionary war?

this is a stupid topic what about shoes

What was Benjamin Franklin's view on war?

what were benjamin franklin's views on the revolutionary war

Was Benjiamin Franklin in the Revolutionary War?


Americas senior negotiator at the peace talks ending the revolutionary war was who?

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated peace that ended the revolutionary war

What war did Benjamin Franklin help out with?

Ben Franklin was a key figure in the American Revolutionary War.

Did Ben Franklin fight in the Revolutionary War?

Yes he did

What did Benjamin Franklin do for the Revolutionary War?

He was a great leader

Who was against Benjamin Franklin in the revolutionary war why?

the brittish

When did Nancy hart join the revolutionary war?

she joined th revolutionary war on april 15 1779

Who convinced the French to join the Revolutionary War?

the colonist did ,by the way they fought at the battle of brandywine creek, it showed the french and Spain that they were indepented and were strong hearted.

Who was a diplomat to france during the revolutionary war?

Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.

Did Benjamin Franklin lead the Revolutionary War?

no George Washington did