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The Christian faith was in fact never united. Since it began it has always been split in many different ways.

One of the early splits (around 300AD) was on the question of whether Jesus was still one with God, but a part of God that was manifesting as human, or actually separate from God, though created by Him. Many of the splits were on such micro-detail analysis of matters of faith.

By early in the fifth century AD, there was only one remaining Christian Church of any substantial size, now known as the Catholic Orthodox Church. The view held by religious authorities in the mainly Greek-speaking eastern regions of the Church was that there were 5 senior leaders, or Metropolitans, in this Christian Church, one of whom was the bishop of Rome. However, the bishop of Rome, designated as the Pope, insisted that he had greater authority than the other Metropolitans. Gradually, differences built up until the Great Schism of 1054, when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other. The western Church, based on Rome, has become known as Roman Catholic, while the eastern Churches have become known as Orthodox Churches.

In the sixteenth century, Martin Luther called only for reforms to the sale and use of indulgences, although not necessarily for them to be abolished altogether, but he soon began to call into question many of the practices and theology of the Catholic Church. He even called into question many of the Books in the biblical canon, including Hebrews, the Epistle of James, Jude, and Revelation in the New Testament, and Esther and II Maccabees in the Catholic Old Testament. There was to be no compromise and, once again, the Church was split.


Jesus never wanted the Church to be split up. It is His bride, but He knew this would happen and warned about it. Of course, the reason is Satan, who wants to try to foil God's plan but fear not God reigns on the thrown, in the end the Church will be united for Christ.

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12y ago

The 'split' you refer to and the resulting many religions we see today, all came about, for the most part, from disagreements in teachings among religious leaders.

Referring to the Christian Congregation started by Jesus, when he was on earth, The Bible says that a 'great apostasy' would take place and many would rebel and break away from the original 'church' set up by Jesus, to form their own organizations. (2 Timothy 4:3-5) (2Peter 2:1-3)(1 Timothy 4:1-3)(2 Timothy 2:16-19)(Acts 20:29&30) It was prophesied that this would happen until the "time of the end", at which time many would start searching for the truth again (Daniel 12:4) and the preaching work would, once again, get under way in earnest. (Matthew 24:14).

But the breaking away from the ORIGINAL 'church', the worship of the TRUE God, started thousands of years before Christ ever came to earth, at the beginning of creation.

When mankind was created over four thousand years before Christ was on earth, there was ONE belief system; Obedience to the creator, under his Kingdom government in heaven. (This same KINGDOM that we pray for in the Lord's Prayer)

"True worship" or the 'true religion' in the Garden of Eden, was simply

DO God's will and you will live forever,

TURN AWAY from God, and lose the ability to live forever.

Their choice. (Genesis 2:15-17)

At the time, God's 'will' for mankind was

*Take care of the earth

*Take care of the animals

*Have babies, fill the earth with perfect descendants

*Enjoy your beautiful home and eat from any of the trees in the Garden but ONE.

(Genesis 1:27-30)(Genesis 2:15-17)

That one tree belonged to God and served a good purpose. It gave mankind a way to say thankyou to their creator for all he'd given them, since all he asked back was obedience. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)The tree would stand always as a symbol of God's supremacy and rulership, and be a constant reminder that their creator was caring for them.

They had forests of trees they could eat from, with wonderful fruitage to enjoy, and by obediently avoiding contact with that ONE tree, they could show that they respected God's rulership, acknowledged his right to tell them what to do, and recognized Him as the source of their life .

Satan talked them into becoming 'independent' from God, supposedly choosing to direct their own steps without God's direction. (Gen 3:1-7)

Mankind was not created to live without God, so when perfect mankind did the simple act of eating from that tree, they purposely and directly disobeyed God, saying, in essence, that they no longer wanted to recognize God's headship, but wanted to be their OWN rulers…choosing, in effect, Satan as their God, since now they were following HIS direction.

Because of this action , they were no longer perfect, and they died, passing this imperfection along to us all, as their children, who have inherited sin and imperfection from them.(Romans 5:12)

This was the first instance of 'leaving the true church'.

Through the centuries, because of mankind's imperfect and faulty thinking, and rebellious leanings, false teachings have abounded on earth, disagreements have sprung up between these false church leaders and more divisions have appeared, until we have the thousands of religions we do today.

By the time Christ came to earth, there was an assortment of religious beliefs around his area. He organized the first Christian congregation by gathering the apostles, and the disciples, and teaching them God's truth, and how to carry on the work of preaching and teaching to people of other faith's who did not know about God's purpose and Kingdom.

God's Kingdom was the original means God used to rule and care for mankind, and that hasn't changed. Jesus preached about that kingdom as God's government that would someday bring an end to all the suffering on earth that was created by ignoring the Kingdom in the first place. It is the means by which God's will will be 'done on earth as it is in heaven'.(Matthew 6:9&10 ) (Daniel 2:44)

*Before Jesus died, he'd set up the first congregation of Christians, to preach door to door, and teach people the truth about God's Kingdom and what it would do for mankind, and to collect together those who wanted to be obedient to God and follow his commands. (Matthew 28:18-20)(Matthew 24:14)(Luke 9:2&11)

*After he died, the apostasy entered in, and many, once again, turned away from the true teachings and started their own churches, accumulating teachers for themselves who taught what they wanted to hear, and not what God said.(2 Timothy 4:1-5)

This is why the 'christian church' has split into so many factions.

But even though there would be a period of spiritual darkness for years, the TRUE knowledge would become abundant "in the 'last days'", which is where we are now in the stream of time, The TRUTH can be found NOW if a person is hungry for truth, honest hearted and humble enough to accept what the Bible says. (John 17:3) and then DO it. (Matthew 7:21-27)(Matthew 6:33)

Soon those who are worshipping God with truth will see the end of all wicked rulership on this earth, and the bringing in of God's Kingdom government, which will once again rule mankind in perfection.(Micah 4:3&4) and there will , once again, be ONE religion for mankind on earth, and as before, man's eternal life will depend on his obedience to his creator.(Psalms 37:10, 11, 29)(1 Corinthians 20:20-28)

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13y ago

"elephants are yummy" was the original answer to this question. The correct answer is under this.

The church was split into more than two parts because all the Christians believed in Christ, but they each had their own way of believing. So, the church split into many parts, but all the people are still Christians in their own way, though. King Henry 8 wanted to get a divorce, but the Church was not allowing divorces at that time. So, King Henry 8 created the Church of England so he could get a divorce from his wife at that time.

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9y ago

Basically, its differences of opinions. Sometimes the splits are from those that truly believe what the church is doing is inaccurate according to the Bible. Sometimes these splits are because certain members don't want to follow particular Commandments. Sometimes they are caused by people who want more authority for themselves. There are many reasons.

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10y ago

People have always split from the Church because of sin, pride, mostly. But to get a more relevant answer, you will have to be more specific about which split you are talking about. There was the Eastern Schism in the 11th century, and the Western Schism (the Great Schism) in the 14th century. And, then, of course, there have always been the heretical apostasies, a whole list of them, ending with the protestant revolt in the 16th century, Jansenism in the 17th century, the Old Catholics and the Polish National Catholics in the 19th century, etc.

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14y ago

Because of the different beliefs that were not biblical based. Martin Luther made this move in order that the holy bible teachings would be taught.

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9y ago

This usually happens if different church leaders can't agree on some point of Christian doctrine, i.e., beliefs.

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