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Q: Why did many pyramids have fake passages and traps?
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Why did many of the Egyptian pyramids have fake passages and traps?

To try to prevent tomb robbers.

Are there Fake passages and traps inside pyramids?

Yes, the builders were trying to prevent people stealing from them. The only problem was many of the break ins were by the men who worked at building them.

What kind of boobie traps did the Egyptians use in pyramids?

they put hidden doors secert passages cages and many many many more

How many traps are inside the pyramids?

i think it varies from pyramid to pyramid.

What did the inside of the pyramids look like?

It depends on what pyramids they were, but most had many secret passages and crazy tunnels and trap doors. In the pyramids there was one room were the king or queens sarcophagus would be held, usually more to the top so they could get to the gods faster.

What features prevented thieves from robbing the pyramids?

In a pyramid there was a maze of different channels and dead ends. This would help prevent thieves from stealing anything. There were also a series of traps that prevented the pyramids to be robbed. But often times this did not work. Many pyramids were found that had nothing inside.

What is Egypt best known for?

Ancient Egypt was famous for many things. 1. The gigantic pyramids. 2. Their many different Pharohs and rulers. 3. Their hieroglyphics (consisted of 700-800 signs) 4. It was one of the first civilizations known to man 5. They're many traps, protecting their tombs

What did the great pyramids use the descending passage for?

There were many passages in the pyramids to confuse tomb robbers. Most of them were just fakes whist others protected the Pharaoh's things.

How many kinds of pyramids are their?

I don't know exactly how many, but I know there are Egyptian pyramids, Aztec and Mayan pyramids, unfinished pyramids, and rock pyramids, and sand pyramids.

Does the pyramid has any rooms inside it?

There are series of passages and rooms in which make up the interior of the pyramids. The many rooms and passages make it much more difficult for grave robbers to steal the treasures buried with the king. Most of the rooms are empty and can mess with your mind especially when trying to get out quick enough.

How many passages are there in the Quran?

There are 114 Passages in The Holy Quran

What is a prymaid?

Well, It depends on what pyramid your talking about. There are many pyramids, Food Pyramids Pyramids of Gesa.. and many more