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Because the people didn't have an exact reason why the plauge struct and many people died in a short time

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that movie called 2012

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Q: Why did people think the black death was the end of the world?
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How was the black death viewed?

The Black Death was viewed as the worst disease in the world.

Which doctors helped in the Black Death?

there were lot of people involved in the black death over 2/3 of the world was wiped out because of the black death.

What did Egyptians think happened to people after death?

That you would show up in another world

What killed more people world war 1 or black death?

The Bubonic plague (aka) The black Death killed millions where WW1 only killed a couple hundred thousand.

How many people died caused by the black death in the worldwide?

Within a year 20 million people died world wide

What was the flagellant movement of the black death?

Christians believed the black death was a punishment from god so the flagallant movement during the time of the black death was when people would offer bodily penance to god by whipping themselves in attempt to rid themselves of the black death.

How many years was the black death around for?

the black death is still around in certain parts of the world

Why is it so difficult to tell how many people died in the Black Death?

Because so many people died and because the doctors and the people then did not think of counting how many people died. If some people did, they can't count every single person across the world. Some villages were completely wiped out.

How did death camps effect the world?

the black death destroyed many camp grounds so it was hard for the other people to survive naturally and physically but at the end of middle ages many people died.

Were there black people in concentration camps in World War 2?

i think so all Jewish people homosexuals gypsies and i think colored people were all put in concentration camps

What part of the world did the black death begin?


How many black people are in this world right now?

Currently there is 1.029 black people in the world