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Before the invention of the cotton gin, the production of cotton for textile was very labor-intensive and uneconomical. The way a cotton boll grows, the fibers are interspersed with the seeds. To make useful material, the seeds would have to be picked from the bolls by hand which expended a great deal of man-hours. The cotton gin allowed cotton fibers to be separated from the seeds mechanically without a great deal of supervision. This allowed for industrial scale production of cotton at a time when texile mills in Great Britain were also becoming mechanized. The demand for cotton and the ability to process cotton in quantity meant that cotton needed to be produced in volume. Slaves were imported as a means of providing the manpower necessary to plant and harvest the large quantity of cotton.

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11y ago

The cotton gin was a huge advance in the efficiency of processing raw cotton into a usable product. It was still necessary for the cotton to be picked by hand, which is a labor intensive job. The cotton gin made cotton farming more profitable, and the more cotton farming there was, the more cheap labor was needed, which in the period before the Civil War, came in the form of slaves.

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11y ago

yes it did because it was the main crop in the south

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12y ago

As more cotton was being made essentially it created a chain effect- where the south had increased its exports and so to keep the flow the south had to also increase its demand for slaves

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11y ago

it increased by, having to make more cotton they needed more slaves to do the work

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Q: Did the cotton gin increase slavery?
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Why did the cotton gin increase slavery?

As the cotton gin was created, more southern plantation owners saw that cotton could be produced more efficiently. This made a rise in slavery because, more slaves equals a larger work force which can plant and grow cotton faster.

What was the intended goal of the cotton gin in regards to slavery?

The cotton gin was supposed to help abolish slavery because it takes less people when you have machines. However, with the ability to "shuck" cotton more quickly came the desire for more land for cotton. Unfortunately, slave labor was still needed to pick the cotton, which was now far more abundant, and so there was a sharp increase in slavery following the cotton gin.

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The creation of the cotton gin led to the increase of slaves not only did slaver increase but diligence of the workers had also significantly increased which created an economic boom in the south ...

What invention increased the spread of slavery in the south?

The Cotton Gin created by Eli Whitney caused the spread of slavery.

How did slavery change as a result of the cotton gin?

Becuase of the gin it was much faster to pick to the cotton

Whitneys invention that enhanced cotton production and gave new life to black slavery?

cotton gin :)

What invention caused the expansion of slavery in the south?

Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.