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Answer: The main goal of most species is to make lots of babies and help your species to grow and cats are no exception. Cats have lots of litters to ensure the future for cats everywhere.

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15y ago
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15y ago

From the point of view of genetics, a "successful" animal is one which passes on its genes to future generations. Some scientists think that it is the genes which impel creatures to breed.

Cats have short lifespans and (in the wild) there are many predators, so a successful 'strategy' for breeding is to have several offspring at one time... this increases the chances that the parent's genes will make it to a third generation - it's not enough to reproduce, the offspring must also reproduce...

Animals don't actually have strategies thought out, it is just that those animals which do have multiple births will be the ones whose genes are passed on.... genes that will ensure that the next generations will also have multiple births.

Some species favour single-birth reproduction, as the parent or parents can then devote more resources - time and food - to trying to ensure the survival of their single offspring.

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10y ago

Most animals have evolved to be eaten as prey items or to be predators over large numbers of prey items. Many other large anamals only bear one offspring a year. While most small animals who are eaten by other animals must reproduce quickly thus have many offspring and shorter gestation's. Humans are not the only animals that have one offspring at a time. Man has no natural enemies and competes with few other predators. So humans have evolved to have long gestation's and fewer young.

Animals have different sizes and have different body structures than humans do so therefore they can have and carry more babies. animals have different reproductive cells and hormones than humans do...

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13y ago

Like many animals, this is a survival mechanism, harking back to ancient times, long before humans started interfering and domesticating cats. Many types of animals simply have large litters because, perhaps in the wild, the chances of survival of the young animals is pretty low. It is nature's way of ensuring survival.

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11y ago

Large litters are typically found in species where only a small number of offspring live to adulthood. So by having many offspring an animal has a good chance of at least one of them surviving to reproduce.

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13y ago

cats reproduce because they need to keep their population going. If they did not have "babies" their species would die out.

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9y ago

Not all dogs and cats have large litters. Breeds like the English bulldog typically only have one to three puppies and cat breeds such as the Persian produce far less young than other breeds.

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