

Why do giant whale sharks eat tiny plakton?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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they think it tastes good

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Q: Why do giant whale sharks eat tiny plakton?
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whale sharks have very small teeth and sharp. Whale sharks only eat tiny fish.

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no the tiger shark is afraid of the whale shark, but eats almost everything.

Do sharks eat swordfish?

No. Whale sharks are filter feeders. They eat tiny, tiny things they sift out from the water. They don't have the teeth or the throat to swallow anything like an anywhere near adult swordfish.

Do whale sharks eat house cats?

No. First of all, they wouldn't meet. House cats are rarely found in the open ocean, and that's where you find whale sharks. And even if a cat would fall off a boat or something similarly unlikely, whale sharks are filter feeders. They eat tiny, tiny things they sift from the water. They wouldn't try to swallow anything even the size of a kitten other than by accident.

What eats cetacean?

Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are carnivorous creatures. The toothed whales (including dolphins) feed mostly on fish and squid, although the orca (killer whale) often hunts seals, sharks, and other cetaceans. The giant baleen whales (Blue whale, grey whale, humpback whale, etc), on the other hand, specialize in eating tiny planktonic crustaceans called krill.

What is the tiny food for big shark?

Depends on what you mean by "big Sharks". Whale Sharks and basking Sharks eat plankton and Krill. The other "big Sharks" eat bigger stuff. fish, seals etc

Can you swim with sharks without them eating you?

No. Whale sharks are baleen feeders, straining tiny creatures like krill from the water for food.

Why are there tiny fish on big sharks?

The tiny fish eat whatever the sharks don't eat and it keeps them clean.

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you can complete it by yousing a tiny sand worm then a killer whale next ice dragon after that slow giant phoenix.

How does a whale sharks gets it food?

By drawing vast amounts of water and pushing it out through its gills, what is left behind is food.

Will a whale eat a shark?

All the whales usually eat the sharks as their normal food diet. They also even eat the killer whale or the orca.Not all whales eat sharks. Humpback whales (like all baleen whales) filter feed on tiny crustaceans (krill ), plankton, and small fish (including herring, mackerel,) from the water.

How big is a whale shark?

The whale shark is a filter feeder, it lives on tiny, tiny shrimps. It really doesn't have any teeth.