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Drainage is a reason why nematodes affect plants is sandy soil more than in clay or loam. Clay or loam may end up retaining too much water for the roundworms in question. Infiltration and percolation of water tends to be faster and non-saturating in sandy soils, which offer a drier environment, which adult nematodes prefer for ensuring the next generation's sustainability.

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Q: Why do nematodes affect plants in sandy soil more than clay or loam?
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Beans grow better in soil because soil has all the moisture and nutrients. If you use sand, it could be to rocky. Clay will also not be good even though it can keep good moisture it does not have the nutrients like soil.

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Clay and organic soils hold nutrients better then sandy soils because the sandy soils as the water drains away, the water will carry the nutrients with it. This is called leaching and the nutrients will not be available for the plants to use.

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Sandy soils are much more permeable that clay soils.

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Sandy soil is dry in comparison to clay due to lack of moisture and consistency. Sandy soil is just not wet.

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Sandy soil , loamy sand , sandy loam , meduim loam , sand clay loam , silt loam , clay , sandy clay , clay loam , silt clay loam , silty clay loam , silty clay , sily , peat moss , chalk soil and limestone soil by Katie h n Katie d

What does sandy like to play with?

with clay

How do clay soils differ from sandy soils?

The sandy soils let the water pass through but the clay soils hold the water

What type of soil makes plants grow faster?

The type of soil that makes plants grow faster is known as loam soil. Sandy and clay soil lack the capability of supporting proper growth of plants.

Does sandy soil or clay soil have bigger pore spaces?

Sandy soil.

What is the definition of clay soil and sandy soil?

a type of soil that is very sandy

What are the differences between garden soil and clayey soil and sandy soil?

There are three basic types of soil, sandy soil, clay soil and garden soil. Clay soil is full of clay hence the name of the soil is clay soil. This type of soil is thick and it can hold water well but it is hard for plants to absorb nutrients because the soil is too thick. Sandy soil is full of sand . It is very easy for plants to absorb nutrients form this soil but it doesn't hold water well. Garden soil combines the two different kinds of other soil. It can hold water well as well as it gives the plants more nutrients too.

Is clay less porous than sandy soil?

Yes. Clay soil is much less porous than sandy soil. Water can stand for days in a hole dug in clay soil, but in sandy soil the water would drain quickly.