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Because people would try to disarm them. maybe the robots wanna be normal.

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Q: Why do robots need to look like humans?
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What are robots that look like humans called?

The Robot that look like a human are called Android Robot.

Why do you need robots?

There is no real need for robots. However, they do make many people's lives easier, and have enabled humans to do things they never could have done without robots.

Why do humans need robots?

Doing repetitive work can cause many mistakes. Using robots reduces that.

Can humans work longer than robots?

No. At least not generally speaking. Robots still need maintenance and parts can break down.

Why do you need or use robots?

Robots are faster and easier than us humans working, plus in the long run not have to pay salary.

Why robots and not humans into space?

well robots last longer and need very little upkeep when humans must come down and age and die.... but then again if somone hacked into it they could control it.

Why was smart material invented?

So when we humans really need help that only 'smart materials' like machines/robots can help us with the problem that we are facing on earth.

Are robots better than humans?

Humans are better than robots. Humans are able to solve problems and do stuff on their own two feet, they don't need someone to program in their parameters. Although a robot (computer) is able to follow set instructions on a given parameter exactly therefore being efficient and useful to humans. Although humans are definitely better than robots since they can do stuff without someone controlling them.

How to do robots?

If you wanna get really technical, when I was doing robots in college, we used vex. You probably need to look up "Vex Erector Kits" on eBay or something like that. It's hard when you begin, but its a fun hobby that's rapidly changing. I work with a school that works with Lego league robots. Hope this helps!

Why did the military start using robots?

There are many reasons why the military started using robots. I have mainly heard that they are used for extra cameras and extra force. There have been many robots made to search for specific types of harm. This makes it easier for Military Control Centers to know where they need to strengthen their military. I have also seen videos of robots that have specific types of weapons attached that either humans can't use, or the robots can make the shooting range more accurate than humans. Hope that helps some!

What are three things that robots have in common?

Robots do not need the things people need to survive, robots have the only ability to do what they're programmed to do, and their brains are computers.

How has technology altered the world of work?

Workers have been replaced in various factories or stores to robots. Ex: Self check-out cashiers, no need for humans.