

Why do smells smell?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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12y ago

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Smell is one of the most primitive senses, and in a way, even individual cells can smell. The sense of smell is based on chemical recognition.

In humans we have an olfactory bulb at the base of our brain that has nerve receptors leading into our nasal cavity. When certain particles come in contact with these receptors, the olfactory bulb sends its message to another part of the brain in the limbic region which is associated with feelings and memory. That is why the experience of smelling can be very emotional. If it smells good, we are attracted to it, and if it smells bad, we are repulsed by it.

Things are different for dung beetles. They love the smell of fresh elephant manure, whereas most people find it offensive.

So another answer to your question is smells smell because they are important not only for our survival, but also our enjoyment of life. hfhjukugkgkgkkg

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12y ago
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