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Well wether you are reffering to why is a son or daughter of yours is trans, or why they are in the world in general (sorry can't exactly tell in your question), it is just something people are born with. It was orriginally considered to be a "birth defect," cuz that's technically what it is, but we don't call it that anymore, cuz it's very rude to say that to someone. It's not their fault. They can't help it. You are either born trans, or your not. And if you are, you can't not be trans, because it's who you are. All you can do is choose to not try and be the opposite gender. But that will never stop the fact that trans will always feel trapped inside the wrong gender. So if you happen to know a trans, wether you agree with their life style or not, you should at least be respectful. Don't hate someone for being who they are. I'm not saying you need to be their friend, but show a little respect so all can live life in a comfortable way.

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Most of the time, it is about Homosexuality or Bisexuality, they want to be the "Man" or "Woman" of the relationship.

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