

Why do some Muslim women still cover their hair?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because Islam is a religion in which modesty is encouraged very much.......and so, guarding of the modesty is naturally crucial too. In order to keep themselves unattractive to lusty men, women in Islam are encouraged to cover their hair, as hair is one of the parts of a women that make her look attractive, and not only are women required to cover themselves up, but men too are supposed to cover themselves, atleast from above the bottom-private part, till below their knees. But it's obviously better for men to not leave their tops uncovered though.

Hope could answer your question!......:)

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Do Islamic women have to cover their hair?

Assalaam Alaikum yes, women do have to cover their hair in Islam. Women in Islam are highly respected figures. They must cover their hair to cover their beauty. Other women as well as her father, her brother(s), and I believe her uncles as well, can see a woman's hair, but all other men cannot. The only other man that can see a woman's hair is her husband.

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