

Best Answer

The plant is either over fed, over watered, or given too much direct sunlight...or all of the above

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Q: Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn brown and curl?
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Related questions

Why do leaves turn black and curl?

The tree has a fungal disease.

What color are fall leaves?

My parents have an apple tree in their yard. In autumn the leaves turn a bit yellow, but I wouldn't say they are pretty. It's usually a pale yellow with brown spotting. From there, they quickly turn completely brown, curl up, and fall.

Why do leaves turn brown when they die?

Well, it depends on the season.

What does it mean if your plants leaves turn brown?

it is dying stupid

What do the leaves on the trees do in the summer totally went blank. turn brown green orange no leaves...what?

In the summer a trees leaves are green... they don't turn colors until autumn

Why do trees turn to golden brown during autumn?

The Chloroplasts in the leaves die.

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What does the old saying 'When leaves show their back rain you won't lack' mean?

When humidity is going up and storms are coming, trees turn their leaves over to help absorb moisture. Seeing the leaves curl in this way is a good predictor of rain.

Can fertilizer turn cedar tree branches brown?

yes if it has been spread on the leaves(scorching)

What is a example of a negative tropism?

well there is a type of flower to where if you touch it the leaves will turn brown and die

What is a curl in football?

A curl in football is a receiver's route where he will usually run about five yards then turn around.

What is a Curl pass pattern in football?

A curl pass pattern, also known as a hook, is when the receiver heads downfield approximately 10 yards and the turns abruptly back towards the quarterback, squaring his shoulders. A Curl In is when the turn is towards the center of the field and a Curl Out is when the turn is towards the sidelines.