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Because Jack said that he would form a tribe that WA based on having fun, and that's what they were intrested in.

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1mo ago

The boys abandon Ralph and follow Jack because Jack offers them a more immediate and primal source of power and security through hunting and violence, which appeals to their basic instincts. Jack's leadership style also thrives on fear and intimidation, causing the boys to become more attracted to his aggressive and dominating presence.

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Jack has the Conch. The conch is a symbol of control over the group of boys.

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Q: In Lord of the Flies why do the boys abandon Ralph and follow Jack?
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Who are the leaders in Lord of the Flies?

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The boys join Jack in secret in Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies" because they are tempted by the promise of food and protection that Jack offers. They are swayed by their immediate desires and the sense of power and freedom that Jack represents, leading them to abandon Ralph's leadership.

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Yes, Jack is older than Ralph in "Lord of the Flies." Jack is described as being bigger and more commanding compared to the other boys on the island, including Ralph.

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Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three boys who go on an exploration to see if they are indeed on an island in "Lord of the Flies."

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When the boys elect Ralph as leader, in favour of Jack, Ralph puts Jack in charge of the choir and asks him what he would like them to be. Jack replies, "Hunters."

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No, in "Lord of the Flies," Ralph does not surrender to Jack by eating the meat. Ralph refuses to join Jack's tribe and indulges in eating the meat as an act of rebellion against Jack's authority. Ralph chooses to maintain his independence and integrity rather than succumb to Jack's leadership.

Which three boys explore the island in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three main boys who explore the island in "Lord of the Flies." They play significant roles in the novel and each represents different aspects of human nature.

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In lord of the flies Who are the three natural choices for leaders?

The leader was chosen by every body voting for Jack or Ralph.

Who does Ralph take on the expedition with him in lord of the Flies?

Ralph takes Simon and Jack along with him on the expedition.

What societal archetypes do Ralph jack and Simon represent in lord of the flies?

Ralph is the leader. Jack is the antagonist and rebel . Simon is the Jesus archetype.