

Why do we need plankton?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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Plankton supplies the world with 80% of its oxygen. Also, like any other organism, if they die out they mess up the ecosystem.

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Need sentence for plankton?

"One of the largest sources of food in the ocean is plankton."

How do platypuses find plankton in water?

Platypuses do not eat plankton, so they do not need to find it.

What is a sentence using the word plankton?

whales love to eat plankton plankton is in a children's programme called spongebob square pants if you need more type plankton in on the internet and wikipedia will have some! like - planktons preditor are the whale

Is their a relationship between the dissapperance of light and plankton?

Yes: since phytoplankton need light, the less light there is, the less plankton there is.

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Since plankton need sunlight to survive, and considering the fact that sunlight is abundant in this zone, it makes sense that plankton would live in the sunlight zone.

Are dinoflagellates phytoplankton?

No phytoplankton would have to be plants and dinoflagellates are animals and if regarded as part of the plankton would need to be called zoo-plankton.

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There need is plankton and tiny shrimp to eat.

What sort of habitat does plankton need to survive?

Water habitats

Where are plankton mostly found?

Plankton can be found in fresh water and the pelagic zone of seas and oceans. Plankton are organisms that drift around bodies of water.

Why are plankton found in the polar oceans?

yes planktons live every where in the ocean

Does zoo plankton algae?

Plankton is not algae. Plankton eats algae though.

Why do pinecone fish need bioluminicent organs if they live in shallow areas?

because in night they need to look for plankton.