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The wise men brought gifts to Jesus after His birth.

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Q: Why do you give each other gifts at Christmas?
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Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

What do Australian people give each other as Christmas gifts?

Usually People give each other what the other person wants. Some people have a Christmas wish list of the items they want.

What are the holidays other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Which are the holidays, other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

What is the purpose of giving gifts during Christmas?

When Jesus was born everybody brought Mary presents so on Christmas we give gifts to each other in honor of everybody giving Mary presents

What do germas give each other for christmass?

Germans celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday as well. On the other hand, they don't go to great lengths to decorate with Christmas lights or any other major decorations..they give each other presents of all kinds, but they open the gifts in the afternoon.

Does China give gifts at Christmas?

No, China does not give gifts at Christmas. This is because Christmas Day is not an official holiday in China.

Why are della and Jim willing to give up their treasures to buy each other gifts?

They are willing to give up their treasures to buy each other gifts because they care more about their spouse's happiness than they do about their treasures. They love each other so much that they would give up their most prized possession to make their spouse happy on Christmas.

How Christmas is celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago?

going to church for the morning service, spending quality time with our families, have a big dinner, open our presents

What people give each other.?

People give each other gifts, among many other things.

Instead of stockings what do dutch use?

We Dutch have our own Santa who comes end November. He places gifts in the children's shoes which they have put besides the radiator or fireplace. If we give each other gifts during Christmas we put them under the Christmas tree.

Why don't Egyptians give out gifts?

Egyptians do give each other gifts; whoever told you otherwise is misinformed.There is no law or directive saying being Egyptian - or any other nationality - you must give out gifts.

Do Cubans give gifts on Christmas?
