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I have it too so I asked my Mom what it was and she told me, It's line from when you were a baby. Cause when your in your Mother's stomach your curled up into a ball and your stomach fold so after a while it creates a mark, which caused the line. Well I hope that answered your question for you. Don't worry alot of people have it. I wouldn't recommend changing it, there's no way. Just focus on what else you have from your smile to your personality :)

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no , its not

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Q: What does it mean to have a dark line down your belly is it a pregnancy sign?
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Why do you have a dark line going down my belly?

Could be prego..... Some women have it when puberty starts but it doesn't mean u are pregnant

Do pregnant woman only get the dark line when there pregnant?

Do you mean the dark line running from your belly button to your groin? This can occur during pregnancy but some women also have this line when they are not pregnant.

At how many weeks do you get the line on your belly while pregnant?

You can get the line on your belly after ten weeks of pregnancy.

Is it possible to have line below the belly button and above the belly button Is it normal Pregnancy?

yes that is totally normal, but not until later in your pregnancy.

What does the dark line on your stomach mean from your belly button down?

In yamatji way it means when your pregnant Itz a boy and a line goin further up its a girl

Does the brown line show during first month of pregnancy?

Not likely but it's not impossible. The line is always there- it runs from your belly button to pubic bone and is called the Linia Alba. As melanin production speeds up in your body during pregnancy, the line turns dark (then becoming the name "Linia Nigra"). If your melanin production is heavy from the beginning of your pregnancy then yes it is possible for the line to become more visible much faster...

What is it when there is 1 dark line and 1 faint line on a pregnancy test mean?

It depends on the pregnancy test, but usually it means a positive results. Congrats!

What are some of the less known pregnancy symptoms?

There are a number of symptoms of pregnancy which are lesser known. One symptom known as the linea nigra is a dark line which extends from the woman's belly button to her lower abdomen. Additionally, a pregnant woman may also experience something known as the "mask of pregnancy". The mask of pregnancy is when the pregnant woman's face becomes darker in some areas.

What does one faint blue line and a dark line mean on a clear blue pregnancy test?

If you see two lines, regardless of how light or dark, it means there are hormones in your body that are present during pregnancy. It's very unlikely to have false positives with pregnancy tests, but if you think it's wrong, you should probably make an appt with your doctor as they can give you a more accurate answer. Otherwise, congratulations on your pregnancy!

Should the pregnancy test line get darker a week later?

It will progressively darken. I think it starts around the third trimester and it does take a while for it to disappear after you give birth.

What is a pregnancy?

A pregnancy is the time line (in a humans case... 9 months) you get before you give birth to your baby. It is the time when your baby is growing in uturo (your belly) and this time is vital for your child to survive. During your pregnancy your belly will grow, for some people you will barely notice a difference in the size of your belly until the 6th or 7th month, but for others your belly is huge by the 5th month... If you have any more questions post em on here or talk to your doctor.

If your a teenager and you have a brown line going down your belly button what does it mean Am i pregnant?

When a woman is pregnant that line is caused by hormones. That can be the same for you but not necessarily for pregnancy. If you have had unprotected intercourse you should take a test to be sure. The line is nothing to go by. Some women have darker skin there and some also hair that comes with puberty.