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Sounds like you are clenching your teeth during sleep. This puts pressure on your jaw and can also include the ear giving you ear problems (such as pain in the ears.) If not treated it can cause TMJ in mainly women, but also some men can be affected by this. TMJ can cause considerable pain and the person with it may not be able to open up their mouth that far. See your doctor and he may refer you toyour dentist to have a bruxing guard you wear at night. It is also a good idea to take up Yoga or some relaxing techniques to relieve as much stress in your life as possible. Swimming, walking is a good way to rid the body of stress.

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Q: Why do you have jaw pain and numbness when you sleep?
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What do the dentist give when putting you to sleep before cutting a wisdom tooth?

they will normally inject a local aneasthetic to numb the pain. you will then experience numbness in your jaw. Once the aneasthetic takes affect, the only feeling you will have is your tooth being pulled out. no pain. maybe slight pain. Source: i am a dentist

Why do you have jaw pain and neck pain?

There are many causes as to how Jaw Pain can occur. Sleeping on one's side with resting the Ja on a hard surface can cause jaw pain. This can be severe, tingling pain to the right or left side. It can be so harsh that it will even cause the pain to start in the throat when swallowing. To get some relief from Jaw Pain, try not to give much work to the affected area and avoid pressing the jaw to a hard surface in sleep. If the pain continues for days together, then it is better to consult the doctor and get some treatment. Hope this helps.

Why do i have pain in my jaw and teeth and numbness in chin and feel sick?

You may have an absessed tooth.... could possibly need a root canal. Best to see your dentist. They will probably give you antibiotics first.

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This could be a stroke! You should go to the emergency room now!

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Yes, heavy bleeding and fibroid pressing on nerves can cause pelvic pain and numbness.

Can you list some probable causes of numbness in the face and jaws?

Some probable causes of numbness in the face and jaw in otherwise healthy people can include trigeminal neuralgia, stroke, and a dislocated jaw. To rule out serious causes, see your doctor immediately.

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If you are in constant migraine pain, along with constant neurological symptoms such as numbness, it may not be a migraine at all. It is important to seek the help of a neurologist to rule out other causes, such as a herniated disc or a stroke.

Can you open your mouth with minimal pain if your jaw is broke?

no because your jaw is broken.

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Can a infected top tooth infect the lower jaw?

No, but a toothache in the upper jaw can refer pain to the lower jaw.

Can tmj cause neck and jaw pain?

TMJ is a disease that can indeed cause neck and jaw pain. In fact TMJ is diagnosed by these pains.

I have pain in jaw joints when I chew food or move my lower jaw from left to right. What can I do to stop the pain?

It is probably natural cause I get them too.