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CO2 is produced as a waste product of cellular respiration, so if it's allowed to accumulate within the cells, it becomes toxic by forming carbonic acid as it reacts with water.

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Q: Why do you need to exhale CO2 quickly?
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Related questions

How is carbon dioxide important to us?

C02 is the gas we exhale Co2 the n goes to plants because plants need Co2 to grow after that the plant will "exhale" oxygen that we inhale

Is carbon dioxide useful to us?

C02 is the gas we exhale Co2 the n goes to plants because plants need Co2 to grow after that the plant will "exhale" oxygen that we inhale

What do humans do to create CO2?


When you exhale you rlease what?

CO2 or carbon dioxide.

What gives off CO2 in everyday life?

Animals emit CO2 when they exhale.

What kind of gas you exhale?

CO2. Carbon dioxide.

Do people only exhale CO2 and water vapour?


What gas come out when you exhale?

Carbon Dioxide CO2

Is the droplets of water outside the glass of a cold water a co2?

No…Co2 is carbon dioxide, what you exhale.

What does co2 have to do with science?

co2 is the gas that we exhale. Scientist's think this gas causes global warming. ( plants filter co2 )

What leaves the body with each exhale breath?

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) leaves the body with each exhale breath.

Why do you need plants in the world?

Plants take in the CO2 we exhale and turn it into oxygen that we inhale. W/o plants, we would suffocate.