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People like to think that they are the victims of forces beyond their control.

I will add that most people are not sufficiently well educated to understand why Astrology is not believable. Ignorant people are always inclined to think that who knows, it might be true.

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Q: Why do you think astrology remains so popular around the world even though it has failed all scientific tests of validity?
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What are followers of astrology called?

A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer, or, rarely, an astrologist.You should not confuse astrology with astronomy.Astronomy the scientific study of astronomical objects (stars and planets) and phenomena without regard to the astrological speculation of these phenomena. The scientific community considers astrology a pseudoscience or superstition as no scientific evidence has been found to support its claims. However, belief in astrology remains widespread in the general public.

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Horoscopes and astrology are not considered scientific because they lack empirical evidence and rely on subjective interpretations of celestial positions and their supposed influences on human behavior. Scientific methods involve testing hypotheses, gathering data, and making objective conclusions, which astrology does not adhere to. Astrology remains a belief system rather than a scientifically validated practice.

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How valid is the science of Astrology?

Validity of anything is determined by the results and consequences of that particular thing to most people. If you have a positive experience with something, then you tend to treat it as valid, and the opposite is true if you have a negative experience. Astrology, according to those who practice it and believe in it, is a combination Art and Science. The making of the horoscope, or the birth chart, is based on scientific and mathematical calculations, which measure the relationship between the planetary elements against their galactic locale. The interpretation of such calculations, and their proper conveyance to the respective individuals, is where the art lies. This art, as in the case with all arts, has to be mastered by people before making such interpretations and predictions. Over the centuries, there have been various arguments, for and against astrology and its validity. There is much documentary evidence available to uphold the validity of astrology and to refute fallacies about it. Even then, there are many who believe in it and also many who don�t. Some people may argue that astrology is valid because otherwise how would it have stood the 'test of time' and still have widespread use today. It is still used because, like any other belief, if something can help explain the seemingly unexplainable or give people hope or direction, then many will follow it. But belief in something does not make it true. Astrology is basically a superstition that can be fun but it remains a pseudoscience. Astrology is not a science, as evidenced by the lack of astrology courses offered by colleges and universities. It's a popular form of fortunetelling and, later, character analysis. As such, it's as valid as any other form of contemplation (meditation, Tarot, etc.) and any other form of soothsaying (i.e., not at all). None it is lies. Depends of the culture. Think of all these old "esoteric" sciences of the Orient that were defined as obsolete and "stupid" some years ago are now beginning to be more and more accepted by Occident researchers and the mass in general. Astrology is a science itself, but as there were so many liars who claimed to be doctors in 1900s and before - the Astrology domain is actually overpolluted by so many opportunists, has suffered of bad timing with our social evolution and has open the door so big to different kind of extremist that there is no way to consider this science "Valid" by the modern institutions and governments right now. With the latest discovery in term of cosmic pattern, there is a big chance that Astrology get more serious in some time as this science has driven many past and present authority figures, but a lot of water will pass under the bridges and by the time it happens, it will be named something else to not insult the modern incredules.

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