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Firstly: Not all bacteria are harmful.

Some bacteria, such as those found naturally in our stomachs, intestines, etc actually help us to break down and digest the food that we eat. If all the bacteria on the earth disappeared today, we would all die, that is how extremely important bacteria is to our existence. See the link below for more information on bacteria.

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13y ago

Bacteria serve many functions in soil. Some bacteria break down the organic material that is the remains or wastes of living things. Soil bacteria help reduce these to smaller and smaller bits that can then be eaten or absorbed by other living things such as earthworms that further digest and process them so that the resulting compounds are simple enough to be taken up by plant roots. Some bacteria live in nodules on the roots of plants such as legumes (beans, peas and so forth) and they can take nitrogen from the air and "fix" it in a form that the plant can use. This is why legumes are sometimes planted to improve nitrogen deplete soil, called a green cover crop.

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