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He wanted power to blow up the earth.

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Q: Why do you think the depression led the way for Hitler to take power?
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When did Adolf Hitler take power of Germany?

January but i don't know the date i think it was in 1932 during out Great Depression

When did Hitler take power and when did he lose the power?

Hitler rose into power in 1934 and he lost power in 1945.

Who long did it take Adolf Hitler to come to power?

it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

When Hitler take a power?

On 30 January 1933

What was happening in Germany that allowed Hitler and the Nazi Party to take power?

They were pulling themselves out of a depression, they weren't all fully aware of hitlers collosal evil plan, and in 1933 they voted him into power, blissfully unaware of what would happen later.

How did European dictators take advantage of the Great Depression to gain power?

They promised to bring them out of the Great Depression.

Which was not a condition in Germany that allowed Hitler to take power?

Distrust of Socialism

When did Adolf Hitler take power and how old was he?

He was 43, and a loved child.

How long did it take Hitler to take power?

Hitler smitler who cares, he did a terrible crime and it shouldn't matter how long it took

When did Hitler take power in Germany during World War 2?


Why was Hitler horrible?

Where to start, maybe the countless lives that where lost at his name or the desire to take over the world right after the great depression. You have to remember all of the Jews and labs that died at his name. There have been times when i have almost cried when i read about his death camps.

Why was Hitler able to take power in Germany before the the start of World War 2?

why do you hate me?