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Your muscles are probably out of shape. When you go up hill, the calve muscles tend to flex a little more than just regular walking, you need to stretch and strengthen the muscles.

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Q: Why do your calves hurt so much when walking up hills?
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Related questions

Why do your calves hurt so much when walking?

Your calves should not hurt when walking. Perhaps there is a difficult with your footwear or the surface you are walking on. Please check with your physician. .

Can calves drink water after they drank milk?

Yes. Water shouldn't be not limited to calves, because they need it just as much as cows do.

How much do calves grow in first year?

Depends on the breed. Most calves can gain between 600 and 800 lbs in their first year.

How much do bull calves cost?

Depends on where you live and the prices themselves. Dairy bull calves will not cost much; maybe $150-$200. You won't find beef bull calves for sale. Make sure you castrate them as soon as possible so you don't have a trainwreck when they get older.

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Much of the meaning of this dream lies in the emotions you experience while the dream is taking place. The hill represents some difficulty that you are facing in real life. Compare the dream image with the expression "it's an uphill climb." Walking uphill usually takes more energy and is more tiring than walking on a flat surface or walking downhill.

Do calves drink out a baby bottle?

No. They drink out of a much larger bottle specifically made for raising baby calves, typically called a calf bottle.

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Having stretchmark's, or striae, on the thighs that are much larger than the arms or calves is most likely caused by excessive exercise.

How much can you make on raising 40 calfs?

The only time you'll make money is if you sell all those calves (unless you're being paid by the owner of the calves to raise them). Then the prices will depend on the sex, breed, and weight of the calves.

How can calves get smaller?

Calves get smaller by not getting fed as much and then being kept in small cages where they cannot move around. This makes them loose weight. Hope it helps!

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Why does your ankle hurt even thougth i did nothing extreme and it just started on sept 15 2009?

You may have been just walking on it to much. Try not to put to much stress on it, and rest it for a while. If it gets worse, contact your doctor.

How much milk do calves drink each day?

4qts or more depending on the size of the