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coca cola can take the tar off asphalt so it can also take the enamel off your teeth but are you sure it's coke? flourosis can cause your teeth to turn brown it is caused by to much flouride ie: treated water, toothpaste, dental treatments. to much flouride can cause your teeth to rot

AnswerThe caramel color that's added to soda to give it a brown color, also makes your teeth brown.
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Q: Why does coke turn teeth brown?
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How does coke turn your teeth brown?

The cause is the temporary absorption of caramel dissolved in coke on teeth surface.

What type of soda makes your teeth turn brown the fastest?

coke and pepsi

What will coke do to your teeth?

Coco-Cola will make your teeth become kinda yellowish-brown if the soda touches your teeth too much...I suggest you use a straw

What makes a nail turn brown when submerged in coke?

The cause is the temporary absorption of caramel dissolved in coke on the nail surface.

Does drinking lots of coke cause your teeth to be broken completely?

Well coke and similar carbonated and sweet drinks definitely contribute to erosion of teeth and that in turn is the reason for easy breakage of tooth.

What is worst for your teeth coke or Diet Coke?

Regular Coke but diet is still bad for your teeth

Whats in coke that affects your teeth?

there is a lot of sugar in regular coke that rots your teeth.

What effets your teeth coke or coffee?

Different ways. Coke erodes your teeth over time. Coffee stains your teeth.

What coke affect your teeth?

i believe that doctor pepper affects your teeth more than regulor coke.

What do coke do to teeth?

it will rot your teeth really badly

What would happen if you put teeth in coke?

coke will be dirty

What makes teeth decay the fastest coke or sprite?
