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Because the male carries one X and one Y chromosome, whereas a female carries two X chromosomes. Therefore, all female gametes (eggs) will contain an X chromosome, whereas male gametes (sperm) will contain either the X or the Y chromosome.

When one sperm fuses with one egg, it will either be XY (male) or XX (female), depending on which of the male's sperm, the one with the X or the one with the Y, made it there first.

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Q: Why does a human male determine the sex of the child?
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Why does the father ultimately determine thesex if the baby?

The sex of a child is determined by the father because the genes that determine sex come from the male sperm.

The human X and Y Chromosomes are what?

The human X and Y chromosomes are:both present in every somatic cell of males and females.approximately equal in size.almost entirely homologous, despite their different names.called "sex chromosomes" because they determine an individual's sex.

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What is a sex chromosmoes?

Sex chromosomes are genes and DNA you get from both of your parents. They can either be X or Y (X being female, Y being male) which determine your gender. A human has 2 sex chromosomes.

What combination of sex chromosomes resulting a male human being?

A male human has one X and one Y sex chromosome.

What are chromosomes that determine the sex of a child?

There are two kinds of sex chromosome X and Y that result in two different sex types: XX in females and XY in males. A child will always get a X chromosome from their mother, but the sex depends on which chromosome the male gives, which is completely random, you could get the X chromosome making you female or you could get the Y chromosome making you male.

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Testosterone is most important human male sex hormone . there are many varieties of it but all are cholesterol derivatives .

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Why does the male determine the sex of a child?

Because males carry both the X and Y chromosomes in their sperm, they are the deciding factor when it comes to the sex of the baby. Unlike females who only carry the X chromosome.

How human male only responsible for the sex of a newborn child and female has no role in it?

It is true that the sex of the child is completely dependent on the male. This is because genetically men are XY and women are XX. This means that the woman can only donate the X chromosome to her child, while the father can either donate an X or a Y. If the father donates the X to the child, it will be XX and become a female, if the father donates a Y to the child, it will be XY and will become a male.