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This is because of the eddy curents produced due to the changing electric and magnetic fields.

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Q: Why does a metallic piece become very hot when it is surrounded by a coil carrying high frequency alternating current?
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Why does a metallic piece become hot when it is surrounded by a coil carrying high frequency alternating current?

This is because of the eddy curents produced due to the changing electric and magnetic fields.

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Is Ions in a bar of pure iron are surrounded by a large number of valence electrons an example of covalent bond?

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The attraction between a positive metal ion and the electrons surrounding it is an?

Metals can be thought of as a lattice of metal ions surrounded by electrons. Again the force of attraction is electrostatic. These electrons are delocalised and metals get their conductiity from thir movement under an applied electric field. Positive metal ions in chemical compounds are surrounded by negativelly charged anions. The force between the oppositely charged ions is electrostatic.

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