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Instead of releasing only one egg a months the shots will make her release more so the chance to get pregnant increases. There is no medical way to increase his sperm count so this is one way to help the two to get pregnant.

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Q: Why does a woman need fertility shots if her spouse has low sperm count?
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Related questions

Where do you go to get a sperm count?

Your doctor can do this for you (or refer you to a specialist). Fertility clinics will also do this.

How would a man know if he couldn't have kids?

go to a fertility doctor or have a 'sperm count' test done.

Does caffeine lower sperm count?

Caffeine does lower sperm count in some men. Caffeine can help improve the sperm's mobility to reach the egg. For others, it can lead to genetic mutation of the sperm and cause it to have a harder time to penetrate the egg.

What is the difference between Azoospermia and Oligospermia?

Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the semen, while Oligospermia is a low sperm count in the semen. Azoospermia indicates no sperm are present, while Oligospermia indicates a reduced number of sperm. Both conditions can impact fertility.

How do you know if a mans sperm is good enough to make a baby?

It should always be considered viable. Even those with very low sperm count can have a number of viable sperm in their ejaculate. A fertility clinic or urologist can always run an analysis.

Why should sperm count for the man be high for fertilization to occur?

It's a long swim for a microscopic sperm to make and even if the egg is fertile only one does the job. Higher fertility is improved but having more swimmers in the race so the higher the sperm count the more likely one will have the skill to get the job done.

When does fertility decrease in a man?

Fertility decreases gradually in a man's life time around the age of fifty. The reason why is because of the sperm count released out of a man's urethra during sexual intercourse can decrease due to age, but a man can produce sperm all of his life so; therefore, the number of sperm released is determined by the age of a male organism.

How do men know their sperm count?

You wouldn't become pregnant of course,but the only technical way to find out if your husbands sperm count is low is to have him tested.if your not pregnant within a year you should really have him tested.

Can you sell sperm at fertility clinic?

Yes I do.

Do condoms lower sperm count?

Condoms do not lower sperm count.

What is the range of sperm in human body?

Normal range of sperms in your body is between 60 to 120 million/ ml. Three to five ml/ejaculate. Below that is called as oligospermia. Fertility is very less when the sperm count drop below 20 million/ ml. Motility and morphology is also very important for fertility.

What is the difference between sperm count and live sperm?

The count is made if you have enough sperm to fertalise a women, sperm comes out with the semen.