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Eating disorders such as binge-eating are influenced by multiple factors:

- behavior, emotions, and attitudes surrounding weight, body appearance and food issues.

- Fashion magazines, toys, media, society, fashion, friends, and spirituality impact the way we see ourselves, how we think of food and how these two factors interact.

- We are given unrealistic images and expectations (a 6 foot model weighing 105 pounds + eating a 1,000+ calorie burger -- these images contradict each other).

How we process these factors(this can be influenced by family history) can lead to binge-eating.

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Alcohol can affect the mind and body in many different ways. It can lead to binge-eating in a few ways. One way is that alcohol can change a person's perception. This means that they may think they are starving-hungry and eat a lot, when they are not actually hungry. Alcohol can also inhibit the mind's signals that tell a person that they are full and to stop eating, leading a person to over-eat. Alcohol can also cause extreme mood swings. Often in times of sadness, depression, isolation, or loneliness people tend to binge eat due to emotions.

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A short period of time when somebody does too much eating or drinking alcohol?

A binge.

Consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short amount of time is called?

Bingeing or binge eating, which ever one you like. But they both mean the same thing.

What is the diffition of binge eating?

Binge eating is a brief period or bout of excessive eating.

What is binge eating called?

It is called Binge Eating Disorder (BED).

Can you be born with binge eating?

No; binge eating is a learned beahviour it is not inate.

What are the complications of binge eating disorder?

Binge eating can cause mental disorders, especiall those like depression. Cumpulsive over-eating during a binge can cause the stomach to distend or rupture, and lead to intestinal and bowel problems.

Which term describe an eating disorder that is characterized by binge eating?

An eating disorder with binge eating is bulimia nervosa.

What is binge eating, and what is wrong with it?

Binge eating is when a person consumes too much food, typically known as overeating; the person will likely be unable to stop or cut-down their eating intake. Binge eating is a difficult disorder to combat, mainly because of the factors that caused the person to start eating so much. People should take necessary steps to stopping binge eating because the disorder will take control of their life, and may cause death.

How do you overcome binge eating?

By not eating

How does eating disorders connects to obesity?

There are two eating disorders to some people: anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia and bulimia are not eating and eating a lot of food and then getting rid of it. But the only one that could cause obesity is binge, which is to eat and eat and eat until you're completely full. DON'T BINGE!

Which term describes an eating disorder that is characterized by binge eating?

It seems as though you are referring to bulimia. However, bulimia is characterized by binge eating followed by purging (throwing up). Binge eating alone would probably just be considered food addiction.

Which is the most common eating disorder?
