

Why does bedsore occurs?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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13y ago

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Bedsores occur from the friction of sheets against tender skin. Bones will rub against skin as well and cause these sores to develop.

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Q: Why does bedsore occurs?
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What is a bedsore ulcer?

Bedsores are skin injuries cause by a body remaining immobile in contact with a surface for long periods of time, such as when a person is bedridden can cannot move. A bedsore ulcer is when the bedsore injury penetrates the skin leaving an open wound.

What is a bedsore?

Bedsores are caused when patients with a certain body weight exerts the pressure on the skin, close to bony areas which leads to restriction of the blood supply and tissue death. Or more simply put: a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it.

How long does it take to get bedsores?

How long does it take to get a bedsore in a hospital

The term bedsore is the common name for?

They are often called "pressure sores" or "pressure ulcers," and their medical name is "decubitus ulcers."

What happens when a bedsore reaches a the bone?

kangaroos jump out of your mouth. Maybe dragons if you're lucky!

Why are patients in a hospital bed rotated every two hours?

So they do not get bed sores.

To what other conditions can bedsores lead?

gangrene (tissue death); osteomyelitis (infection of the bone beneath the bedsore); sepsis (a poisoning of tissue or the whole body from bacterial infection); other localized or systemic infections

What conditions associated with bedsores warrant immediate medical attention?

skin turns black or becomes inflamed, tender, swollen, or warm to the touch; the patient develops a fever during treatment; a bedsore contains pus or has a foul-smelling discharge

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