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If food is cooked on the stove, grill or oven, the outside is subject to the direct heat while the inside is insulated from the heat by the outer layer of food, so the outside cooks first. Picture a marshmellow roasting on the fire. The outside turns black first, while the inside remains white. That is because the outside of the marshmellow is closest to the fire, and so it heats up faster than the inside of the marshmellow. Picture putting your feet up near the fire. The soles of your feet get hotter than your ankles, because they are closest to the fire, they are facing the fire. If you stand with your back to the fire, your back gets nice and warm, not your intestines or lungs, but the skin on your back. If you put something on the stove or on the oven, the source of heat is outside of the food, and therefore the outside of the food warms up faster. If the source of heat were in the middle of the food, the inside would warm up first, but that is not the case. The source of heat is outside the food, and so the food cooks from the outside in.

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