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because the DNA cannot leave the nucleaus. so it creates a duplicate of the DNA so the process of mitosis can carry out

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Q: Why does the cell need to replicate its DNA for mitosis?
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What part does cell cycle does cell replicate its DNA?


When do chromosomes (DNA) replicate?

mitosis is the process by which the DNA of a cell is copied, so chromosomes replicated throughout the process

How do cells Replicate?

Cells replicate for many reasons, they replicate by a process of mitosis or meiosis. Mitosis producing two daughter cells and meiosis producing gamete cells (sperm or ovum(egg) )

Before a cell can go through mitosis the DNA must replicate during intephase?


During what part of the mitosis does the DNA replicate?

the DNA replicates before mitosis begins

Why is it important that DNA replicates before the process of mitosis?

DNA must replicate before mitosis can begin. Mitosis is another word for cell division and so there needs to be two copies of the DNA for the two new cells.

How does the cell replicate DNA?

Cells do not replicate "In DNA". Cells replicate their DNA during the process of cell division.

Does DNA replicate in mitosis?

no DNA replicates before mitosis. It replicates in the S phase of inter phase

During what part of the mitosis process dose the DNA replicate?

The DNA replicates before mitosis begins

What are chromosomeswhere and when they are visible in the cell?

Chromosomes contain tightly-packed DNA, and are visible only when the cell is preparing to replicate (before mitosis/meiosis).

Why is it important for DNA is replicated before a cell divides?

so that there will be two sets of DNA ... one for each new cell. If the DNA doesnt replicate one new cell would have no DNA. and cells need DNA.

Do chromosomes have twice the DNA that one cell needs?

No. Chromosomes have the exact number of DNA a cell needs. When undergoing mitosis, the chromosomes replicate inside the cell. Only during that small period of time, does a normal human cell have twice the DNA that a cell needs. The end stage of mitosis is when the cell divides into two, equally dividing the DNA amongst the two daughter cells.