

Why does vivisection why does animal testing happen?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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To test products for us humans. So that what is being tested on the animal doesn't hurt us but hurts them!:(

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Q: Why does vivisection why does animal testing happen?
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A sentence with the word vivisection?

Vivisection is another name for animal testing.

Where can I get information about animal testing?

The American Anti Vivisection Society. - Link below.

Who was the first person to start animal testing?

galen also know as the cookie of vivisection

How do you use vivisection in a sentence?

"Vivisection is a cruel way of testing drugs on animals."

How is animal testing changing?

Animal testing has changed a lot in the past centuries. When Galen disected pigs and goats in the 3rd and 4th century b.c. greek was called vivisection. Animal testing is pretty much the same thing except without disection.

What is involved in the medical process called vivisection?

Vivisection is a type of surgery used for experimental reason particularly on living organisms and animals. This is conducted in order to view the animals' living internal structure. A streamline version of this is known as Animal Testing.

What will happen if people dont stop animal testing?

If animal testing continues the death of the these animals could follow. The death of these animals could lead to the imbalance of our environment.

Is non-human animal testing considered abuse?

It's considered exploitation, worse than abuse. Kicking a dog is abuse. Using the dog as a noncommittal experimental subject in radiation poisoning, head-on collisions, or vivisection is exploitation.

Why is vivisection bad?

Vivisection is an extremely cruel act on animals in testing labs. It mostly involves the suffering and brutal tests while completely concious, no painkillers will be given and sedation is not used. Vivisection is extremely cruel on animals in testing labs. It is mostly brutal tests on animals without any pain killers or sedation. They are not necesary procedures, just an act of evil.

Where does vivisection take place in?

vivisection takes place in labortories x

Is hunting just as bad as animal testing?

no it is not as bad then animal testing

One alternative to animal testing is Chorioallantoic Membrane Testing but how expensive is that compared to animal testing?

SUPER EXPTREMLY EXPENSIVE animal testing is the cheapest and most efficiant way