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AnswerThe next time he accuses you of lying then tell him it's usually a guilty person that has done something wrong that feels their mate is lying or cheating. When I was married to my first husband it was about a year after our marriage and he started to accuse me of cheating. Considering we both worked in the same construction camp (I worked in Hydro office) and back-to-back shifts there was no time to cheat even if I wanted too, which I didn't. It got so bad he became verbally and physically abusive. When someone accuses you of lying or cheating it's extremely hard to calm them down and reason with them. I finally found out HE was cheating!! Later when I moved out and filed for divorce he told me his mother had cheated on his father for years until he finally left her and she had to look after her 3 sons (which was my husband and his 2 brothers.) From then on he had a distaste for women in general and thought all women cheated. I had no idea that was going on in his head. His one brother cheated on his wife numerous times, but his youngest brother never cheated on his wife.

You need to sit down with your husband and tell him you want to know why he feels this way and that you are sick and tired of his accusations and that he can either believe you or not. Let HIM know that you are well aware of the fact that usually when "One doest protest too much" they are the guilty party. If they choose to keep on harping at you then tell him you're leaving. This will undoubtedly confirm to him at the time that YOU are a liar. In time they will realize they made a huge mistake. By staying with such a person it drains the energy out of you, demeans you, and almost throws you into the thought of seeing someone else because you are lonely. It's better to head this problem off at the pass and give the accuser their ultimatum than cheat on them. Don't leave the house without seeing a lawyer or you could be charged with desertion.

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16y ago

Because he has a serious problem facing his own truth and wants to put it off on someone else. That is what immature, inconsiderate people do, its mental abuse and you need to point it out to him or get out. He will never change. The best guess that one could have regarding "why" is that no one knows. That is, you can't really ever know what someone else is thinking. One thing for sure is that this action does unnerve the victim because it is not true and often comes out of the blue. Avoid trying to explain in any shape or form why you haven't done what he says since that is not what it will take to safely answer the accusations. Take what he says as a strong hint as to HIS actions, and reconsider your relationship. He has to do the work that you can't to solve this behavior.

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8y ago

Unless you have absolute proof then calling anyone a liar is a serious thing and goes against the character of that person. If you have proof and have caught your spouse lying then he's angry because he is cornered and you've basically caught him off guard.

The only option you have is not to get into a debate, but try to sit down with him calmly and ask how he feels about your relationship and if there are any problems. If he's lying he may show these signs:

  • Squirming if sitting down
  • Playing with something such as a glass, spoon and not looking you in the eyes
  • Going red in the face
  • Unable to look you square in the face when he's talking to you
  • If standing he could pace back and forth
  • He could leave the room entirely
  • He could yell and scream to cover up his lies in hopes you will believe him and make you think you are either overly jealous or paranoid
  • Eyes darting back and forth
  • Sometimes stuttering

If he is innocent then he should have no problem looking you square in the face and telling you he hasn't been lying to you and say it while he's sitting or standing still.

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15y ago

Sometimes when people are doing wrong they try to place the guilt on their partner. Maybe he's the one cheating. If not, he have some major insecurties. You need to make friends and go out and have a good time. This is no way to live your life. If marriage counselling doesn't happen I can't see you contining like this. It's unhealthy for you and your husband needs help.

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14y ago

There might be a really good reason your husband is lying to you. But really it depends at what he is lying about and how long he has been lying for. For example if he was going to buy you a Christmas present and he really wanted to keep it for a surprise. He might go to extreme lengths to protect his secret. But if he is cheating on you... I'm afraid you might haveto get angry. If you have been in a long-term relationship with him and you get the feeling that he is keeping something from you... confront him and ask him if he is cheating on you. If even after that you still think that he is lying... confront him again and this time try putting on the tears a bit and be really worried and tell your husband all of your emotions so that he can feel what you feel. If then finally you think he is STILL keeping something from you. I think you might finding your self having to consult the best marriage counsellor you know of and give them a bit of a chat.

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