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They do this because it becomes mating season.

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Some dogs are naturally aggressive, but most quiet, peaceful dogs are aggressive when you tease them or stare into their eyes.

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Q: Why does your male dog get aggressive once a year?
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Does a male dog get aggressive after being laid?

No because it is not agressev

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Why are dogs aggressive?

Dogs can be aggressive because of neglect, mistreatment, and the environment in which they live in. Also, it can be because that dog was used for dog fighting once, and or the owner made them aggressive, to be used as guards!

Why would a male dog sniff a female dog and then bite her?

If the biting happens, the male may be aggressive, or the female has a scent of another dog that he doesn't like. It could also be an indication that the male likes the female.

What does the name kalab mean?

It is a male name. It is of Hebrew origin. It means 'dog; tenacious and aggressive'.

Why do male dogs act aggressive when another male is around besides territorial reasons?

It could be multiple issues. If there is a female, even if she is not in heat, they could get protective over her, or if they feel threatened by this other male dog they will become aggressive.

Why does your dog keep being aggressive to the male dog you want her to mate with?

MAYbe she doesnt like him or maybe she wants a better doggy

Will female dog be less aggressive if spayed?

i think this is the case but more so wiv a male. hope this helps :)

What happens if a female dog pulls away from a male dog once he's mounted her?

Male dog becomes very upset at the fact that he just got blue balled.

Can a 13 year old male dog be neutered?


Is a female German shepherd more aggressive than a male?

Female GSD's have more attitude to them and is very much a family dog. They are more stubborn and have aggression problems before/after they go into heat. Male GSD's "attach" themselves to one person who they will stalk. As long as you get them neutered from a Young age, you shouldn't have many problems.

Will my male dog urine's kill grass once he is neutered?

Yes. Dog urine, regardless of whether is it male of female, will kill grass if it is concentrated enough.