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Because when some people see others around them using them and telling them that they will feel good and they will look cool if they take them. They would never usually try them but they do because people are pressuring them into doing them.

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Q: Why drugs make peer pressure?
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Related questions

What are the different kinds of peer pressure?

yes there are. there is positive peer pressure, and negative peer pressure. going and doing drugs is negative peer pressure, whereas going to do something fun and exciting is positive peer pressure.

How did lil Wayne get into drugs?

peer pressure

What peer pressure is put on girls?

to have sex, do drugs

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What is a reason for using drugs?

depression peer pressure

What are some of the worst influences on young people?

Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities

Examples of bad peer pressure and good peer pressure?

Bad peer pressure would be helping your friends rob a bank, or doing drugs because your friends do drugs. Good peer pressure would be helping your friends do volunteer work, or assist the elderly because your friends assist the elderly.

How can you resist peer pressure to use drugs?

just say no

How can peer pressure help you?

It's a way not to use drugs

Why do they call it peer pressure peer pressure?

Peer pressure is when you are pressured by peers (people your age group) to do something good or bad, but people usually think of bad peer pressure when brought up (e.g. being pressured to take drugs).

Explain peer pressure and give an example?

peer pressure is when u r forced to do something u dont wanna do like drugs

What make students to enter into ocultism?

Peer pressure, being easily influenced... Drugs are another influence into entering ocultism.