

Why flamingos live in the zoo?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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i'm not exactly sure why... maybe people are interested in them? also, they do live in groups, and in areas with water. i mean why not?! lol.

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Q: Why flamingos live in the zoo?
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In captivity it is, according to Zoo Basel, over 60 years.

What is a flamingos diet?

Flamingos eat shrimp, algae, and other small creatures that live in shallow water.

Does Utah have flamingos?

No, only in a zoo.

Do Flamingos live with other Flamingos?

yes they live with other flamingos which is called a 'couple'.

Why are flamingos at the zoo?

so people can see them because they are not native to Piladelpia

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Crocs and flamingos do live together in some areas. The crocs however, will prey upon flamingos if they are able.

Do wild flamingos live in Canada?

Only in Zoos. Flamingos are a tropical species , and the main staple of their diet is shrimp, which also gives them their color. Outside of a temperature-controlled habitat in a Zoo, a Flamingo would not survive one winter in Canada.

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They usually move into your mom's basement. What do you think?!? They live with other flamingos!

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Flamingos live in big bunches so pretators won't get them!!!

Are there any flamingos in Illinois?

Flamingos only live in zoos in Illinois.