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Because the electronegativity of oxygen is the highest among others. That is, oxygen doesnt want to share its electron pairs to be delocalized over the molecule. In other words, it is the direct result of electron availability which is the highest in furan.

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because sulphur of thiophene utilises d orbital for resonance

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due to non bonding electrons of S in3p orbital which less overlap with 2p orbital of C atom so it use 3d orbital

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Aromaticity increases with the decrease in the electronegativity difference between a heteroatom and its neighbouring atoms.

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Q: Why thiophene is more aromatic than pyrrole and furan?
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Why furan is more reactive than pyrrole and thiophene?

Furan is more reactive than Pyrrole because it is less stable as it contains an extra lone pair than that of pyrrole, which is available for attack of an acid, results in the destabilization of the ring.

Why do 5-membered ring aromatic heterocycles pyrrole and furan undergo electrophilic substitution more rapidly than benzene while 6-membered ring heterocycles like pyridine are less reactive than Benz?

pyridine is less reactive than benzene because when we form its conjugate base then it'll b more stable than dat of benzene.. so more stabler means less reactive.......and also due to more resonance in benzene it will b more reactive...same 4 furan and pyrrole

Which is more stable pyrrole or furan?

Pyrrol is most stable because a lone pair on nitrogen is involved in resonance and aromatic character and not available for the attack of an acid but in pyrrol the two electron pairs on oxygen are present one is involved in aromatic character and other is available for the attack of an acid which may break down the ring.

Why many aromatic hydrocarbons do not have any odor while compounds that have a pleasant odor do not have aromatic rings?

when aromatic compounds were first discovered they were called aromatic due to their plesant odours but as you have rightly pointed out compouns such as diatomic hydrogen have pleasant smells its is becuase of this that the meaning of aromaticity changed as aromatic compounds are saturated stable compounds its the notion of delocalised electrons that defines a aromatic compound now as this enhances the stabilty of the compound so chemically aromatic and aromatic are not particularly synoynymous any more in fact chemical aromacity has very little to do with aromacity and ewhat it does to the oliafactory centres that gives us the perception of smell

Why propene cation is more stable than propane cation?

Aromatic compounds are resonance stabilized. Hence if a compound is aromatic it is more stable. The main thing to note here is that AROMATICITY GIVES STABILITY TO A COMPOUND. Therefore cyclopropene is an aromatic compound and hence is more stable than propene.

Related questions

Why furan is more reactive than pyrrole and thiophene?

Furan is more reactive than Pyrrole because it is less stable as it contains an extra lone pair than that of pyrrole, which is available for attack of an acid, results in the destabilization of the ring.

Why do 5-membered ring aromatic heterocycles pyrrole and furan undergo electrophilic substitution more rapidly than benzene while 6-membered ring heterocycles like pyridine are less reactive than Benz?

pyridine is less reactive than benzene because when we form its conjugate base then it'll b more stable than dat of benzene.. so more stabler means less reactive.......and also due to more resonance in benzene it will b more reactive...same 4 furan and pyrrole

Which is more stable pyrrole or furan?

Pyrrol is most stable because a lone pair on nitrogen is involved in resonance and aromatic character and not available for the attack of an acid but in pyrrol the two electron pairs on oxygen are present one is involved in aromatic character and other is available for the attack of an acid which may break down the ring.

Why the benzene ring is not much reactive as the pyrrole?

pyrrole is more reactive towards electrophillic aromatic substiotution because it is able to stabilize the +ve charge of the intermediate carbocation

Why pyrrole is a weak base?

Pyrrole is an extremely weak base because its pair of non-bonding electrons are part of the π-cloud (Kb = 2.5 x 10-14). Therefore, if pyrrole is protonated, it loses its aromaticity as the non bonding electrons are no more available for delocalization to form the aromatic sextet.

What are fused heterocyclic compounds?

Fused heterocylic compounds is a heterocylic compound (eg. Furan) fused with another ring which can be either a carbon ring (benzene) or can be fused with another heterocylic ring(Pyridine,Pyrrole,...etc). Fused heterocyclics can be either 2 fused rings,3 rings or more. From the famous examples on fused heterocylic compounds: -Heroin -Indole -Morphine -Carbazole

Which is stronger acid aromatic or aliphatic?

aromatic is more acidic athan aliphatic

How does a aromatic molecule look?

Aromatic hydrocarbons contain one or more carbon cycles.

Why furan sometimes behave as 13- diene?

Possibly because it is a 1,3-diene. A more interesting question would be why does it sometimes not behave that way.

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aromatic diazo compounds are stabilize by resonance where as in alifati it is not found

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Which one of the following grape varieties is aromatic Gewurztraminer Nebbiolo Cabernet Franc Grenache?

They are all aromatic, it can all depend on a number of things on how strong the nose is. Cheaper, mass produced wines may not have as strong a nose and aromatic components to it as a more exclusive bottle. It doesn't necessarily mean that the more expensive the wine is, the more aromatic it will be. There are a lot of good wines out there that are ten bucks a bottle but smell and taste like a 70 dollar bottle. Decanting wine also helps it to become aromatic.