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Christianity is the most popular religion, because the ruler of the world wants it that way. Every knee will bow.


In its early days, when Christianity was in its simplest and purest form it was persecuted severely by the Roman state and many thousands were cruelly tortured and killed. It was spread not by coercion but by the peaceful means of Gospel preaching and teaching and the testimony of lives redeemed from idolatry and wickedness. Only the Holy Spirit of God can give power to transform lives and joyfully and enduringly face what the early Christians faced. Such did not go unnoticed by the populace at large, nor did the many acts of Christian charity and kindness.

The favor of Constantine brought an end to persecution but also introduced worldliness and many became Christians who were such in name only as they sought imperial favor. The Inquisition and other coercive acts never made anyone a true Christian, as a person must of their own free will turn to Christ. In fact many of these acts rightly turned people the other way. There is a need to distinguish between things done in the name of Christ and things actually authorized by Him. There is often a world of difference between the two.

The word of God is indeed central to true Christianity and their is much that goes by the name of Christianity which is not warranted scripturally. Christian culture is indeed popular although whether many people understand its true spirit and meaning is doubtful. The word of God, rightly understood corresponds with the reality of, as Francis Schaeffer put it, 'the world that is and the mannishness of man.' Men who do not even know The Bible are aware of their lostness and proclaim it although not using the same language and they fulfil, especially today, man New Testament predictions about what things will be like towards the end of the age.

Christianity in the true sense worldwide, especially in the western world, is in decline, although there are some areas where it is growing in popularity. This decline is expected and predicted in the Bible as the end draws closer and the love of many shall 'grow cold.' The word of God is thus not exposed as a 'cunningly devised fable' as some alleged (even back when it was written) but it demonstrates an awareness of sober truth, even predicting its own decline. The predictions in Daniel that men shall 'run to and fro on the earth.. and knowledge shall increase,' is amply fulfilled in our day. Thus for those who look into it, the very word of God, demonstrates itself to be reliable time and time again..

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Religions become "popular" by military conquest or persecution of less well organised religions. This was as true of Christianity, during its periods of great expansion, as of other religions. Fortunately, Christianity no longer relies on military power for its expansion. But it does rely on attempting to explain every question by pointing to its God, as if his existence is unarguable.
It took Christianity 300 years to convert 10 percent of the population of the Roman Empire to, at least nominal, faith in Christianity. At a time when Christianity could not yet rely on coercion, that was quite an achievement and proves that, regardless of the truth of its God, there was much to admire in early Christianity.

Then Emperor Constantine gave orthodox Christianity state patronage. Within 80 years, the other faiths were outlawed, their temple property expropriated for the benefit of the Christian Church and their adherents forced to convert to Christianity. In comparison with the first 300 years, this was not something to admire.

Another example to show that the widespread domination of Christianity was not the result of "popularity", in the sense that we normally accept it, was the Spanish conquests in the Americas. And we have all heard of the Inquisitions, whose purpose was to prevent the spread of dissenting ideas.

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