

Why is Halley's comet one of the brightest comets?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Because it goes by faster then any comet in the whole world

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Q: Why is Halley's comet one of the brightest comets?
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Who are 2 famous comets named after?

Halley's comet - which returns to our solar system approximately every 75 years - is one example, named after it's discoverer Edmund Halley. Another notable example is Shoemaker-Levy 9. It was observed orbiting the planet Jupiter, but the orbit was decaying - leading to the prediction that it was to crash into Jupiter's surface.

Is halleys comet is a periodic comet?

Halley's Comet is a Short Period Comet. It is actually the brightest known short period comet, one of the main reasons for it's popularity. It is visible from Earth once every 75–76 years. The last being in 1986 and the next being in 2061.

Did halleys comet have a tsunami?

Halley's Comet is an astronomical body not a terrestrial one. It is made of mainly frozen ices. A tsunami is not possible there.

What is Difference between comet and Halley's comet?

Because it is one of the best known comets in the world.Comet Hale-Bopp (formally designated C/1995 O1) was arguably the most widely observed comet of the twentieth century, and one of the brightest seen for many decades. It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months.

What is a well known name for a meteoroid?

There is Halley's comet, and a meteorite crater called Hoba Iron Meteorite. Does that help?

Is it humanly possible to see a comet twice?

yes because halleys comet comes every 72 years- 12+ 72= 84, you never know you could live that long.

Does a comet have a length of day or year?

Comets are ephemeral, though a few recur with a regular period. Halleys Comet is the classic example of this. Some comets have return periods considered greater than, or comparable with the age of the universe. Many are bound within the Solar System, with one of their orbital foci near the Sun, and the other in their region of origin. A Comet consists of a body containing evaporable material - ice or gas - and depending upon how close to the Sun they pass, they will eventually lose most of their mass. The comet's tail points away from the Sun, and is made from the volatile components evaporated by the Solar Wind or by particles from the Sun.

Are comets related to nuclear energy?

Not directly, but as a comet approaches the sun, which is one big fusion reactor, the heat will cause the surface of the comet to vaporize, forming the comet's tail.

What is a comets relative position to earth?

Comets orbit the Sun, the Earth orbits the Sun. Thus both the comet and the Earth are in motion one relative to the other and thus the position a the comet relative to the earth is constantly changing.

Is there more than one comet?

There are many dozens of comets, most are small and not very visible.

Super Mario galaxy 2 can you get comets in a galaxy that you didnt get the medal in?

There is a comet medal in every first star of a galaxy. Some galaxies don't have comets (not including green star comets.) This means that comets appear based on how many medals you have, not which galaxy you got them from. For example, if you have all the comet medals except the one in Yoshi Star Galaxy, then it's still possible for a comet to appear there, but it means that a comet might not appear in Boulder Bowl. In short, YES. I think it's best to get every comet medal so you don't have to ask this question.

What was the name of a comet that was predicted to return?

There are scores of comets who's orbits have been determined, and are predicted to return, but the best known one is probably Comet Halley.