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Q: Why is africa considered a tropical continent?
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Why is Africa called the tropical continent?

Africa is called the "tropical continent" because of its rainforests and warm to hot moist climates.

Which continent has most of its landmass in the tropical zone?


Is Africa tropical?

Africa is a huge continent, it ranges from tropical (equitorial) jungles through deserts and grasslands

Which continent has most of its landmasses in tropical zones?


Which continent has the most landmasses in the tropical zone?


Why Africa is called most tropical continent?

because it is get a life loser

Is Africa considered one big country?

Africa is a continent.

What geographic feature is the continent of Africa considered?

Geographers sometimes call Africa (the worlds second largest continent) as the " plateau continent."

Why Africa is called the most tropical of all continents?

the suns rays hit the equator directly and that means that near the equator is tropical. the equator runs right through Africa.

What continent is madagascare on?

Madagascar is an island so it is not physically attached to any continent. It is however considered to be part of Africa

What continent is the electric catfish on?

The family occurs widely throughout tropical Africa, from the western side of the continent across the the Nile river.

Tropical rainforests make up what percent of Africa's landmass?

The tropical rain forests in Africa are located in the western and central part of the continent. The rain forest is less than 5 percent of Africa's landmass.