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Many pounds of vegetarian food is necessary to produce one pound of meat. Any energy used in food production is wasted if the food grown goes to livestock to produce meat. It is more energy efficient to eat vegetarian food directly.

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Q: How is being a vegetarian uses less energy than someone who only eats meat.?
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Someone who eats no meat is?

(: a vegetarian :)

What is a pollo-vegetarian?

Someone who eats chicken but no other meats.

What type of vegetarian uses dairy products?

A vegetarian eats dairy; The only term describing someone who eats no animal based product (meat, dairy, eggs...) is Vegan.

Is it right to say non vegetarian?

It isn't "wrong", but a non-vegetarianwould be someone who eats meat. This is implied unless it is specified that a person is vegetarian.

What is the meaning of non-vegetarian?

A non vegetarian would be someone who eats animal flesh, like beef and ham and fish as opposed to a vegetarian, would would not eat meat.

What qualifies a vegetarian?

Someone who eats no meat or fish. Vegetarians eat dairy products and eggs.

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No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian

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A herbivore or a vegetarian or a vegan never deliberately eats meat.

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A fish eater. A pescetarian is someone who eats a vegetarian diet with the exception of eating fish.

What is a person called who eats only vegetables?

Vegetarian or a Vegan

Is Karan Tacker a vegetarian?

Karan Tacker is not a vegetarian. He eats non vegetarian food too. He has been seen eating that in parties.

What do you call someone that eat dariy but not meat?

A lacto-vegetarian. "Lacto-" means "milk," and by extension, all dairy products. A person who eats fish but not red meat is a pisco-vegetarian. "Pisco-" means "fish." Other exceptional prefixes are "pollo-" (chicken) and "ovo-" (eggs), so someone who eats just about everything except red meat might be called an "ovolactopiscopollo-vegetarian."