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It is the biodiversity on Earth that allows (at the moment) for animals, plants and humans to share the planet- if one species is destroyed, several, maybe even hundreds more, may follow.

Biodiversity is important because certain organisms have economic value (such as rainforest plants being made into medicine), they have value to the ecosystem (think of their spot on a food web), and they are a source of natural beauty and recreation.
Sometimes diseases or insects can wipe out a food crop. Having a variety of plants helps prevent widespread dead plants.
Biodiversity is the representation of the millions of different species on the earth and the genetic diversity within these species. Biodiversity is important because humans depend on animals and other species to live and grow and much as animals and other species depend on humans to live and grow. It's important because it is based on the evolution of other species.

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It preserves habitats and prevents wildlife from becoming extinct.

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Q: Why is biodiversity important?
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Biodiversity is important for two main reasons. First, biodiversity allows for exotic plants to grow from which humans can use for medicine. Second, and finally, the flora and the fauna are maintained by allowing biodiversity to flourish.

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