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There are no guarantees on the road, and it is to everyone's benefit that drivers have car insurance. Because it is required by law, this ensures that if a driver is hit by another vehicle, he or she is taken care of financially. Likewise, if he or she hits another vehicle, paying for the damage doesn't have to come out of his or her pocket. Car insurance adds a degree of safety and financial security for everyone on the road.

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Q: Why is car insurance required by law?
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Is classic auto insurance required by law?

No, classic car insurance is not required, but car insurance is. Classic car insurance is just a cheaper way of being insured.

Is collision car insurance required by law?

Yes collision insurance is in fact required by law. This will protect the other person if you are at fault for an accident.

Can WV impound an out of state car for no insurance?

When you have no insurance on your vehicle, you void your registration - insurance is required by law. Yes, they can impound a car from out-of-state in that instance.

Are you required by law to have car insurance in the state of Florida?

Yes, in fact all states require auto insurance.

Is PIP car insurance required in Florida?

PIP is Personal Insurance Protection and is required in the state of Florida to people who register a car in Florida. This falls under the No Fault law in Florida.

What does the law requiring mandatory car insurance state?

The law requiring mandatory car insurance states that individuals and businesses are required by law to possess valid auto mobile insurance designed to cover the risk of financial liability in the event of an accident.

When do we need car insurance?

Auto liabilty insurance is required by law whenever we operate a motor vehicle on public roads

Is car insurance required in the state of MA?

Car insurance is required in Massachussets.

What is the New Jersey law regarding car insurance?

New Jersey's policy for car insurance is that it is required by law. Without it, you can be arrested and fined, with your car and license suspended. Fortunately, a basic policy has been made available to everyone.

Am I required by law to have Auto Insurance in NY?

To own and drive a car in New York, you must register your car and obtain license plates. one must have the auto insurance in NY and that is by law. anyone breaking the law can get severe finds.

Do i need to have car insurance before i can drive my car?

Of course you do. Most likely it is required by your state law but even if it is not a state law, you need the coverage in case you have an accident.

Is it mandatory to have car insurance in the US?

Automobile liability insurance is mandated by state law in most states. In New Hampshire, however, it is not required.