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Electricity and water are dangerous combined because water is a conductor of electricity. This means that water allows electricity to flow through it. If you were to put your hand in a glass of water that had a small amount of electricity flowing through it, for example, you will feel a good shock, and it WILL hurt quite a bit. BUT, if you were to do the same with something like your bath tub, a faster current (more electricity) and you were to get in the tub, the current would flow through your entire body to complete the circuits flow, and your body (mainly your heart and brain) would not be able to handle such electricity and would be destroyed/fried because of it.

-B, grade 12

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9y ago

Water may not be a conductor ofelectricity but when contaminants are present, it becomes a very good conductor. Pure water is very rare and can mostly only be found in labs, what you find as water most likely is contaminated and is a good conductor of electricity.

Having water (contaminated) close to electricity is dangerous because when the user of the user is contaminated by it (wet) it will increase the conductivity of the skin and thus electricity can more easily flow through the user and this means higher chances of death.
Because water is VERY good at conducting electricity, and the combination can kill you, or at the very least wound you severely.

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13y ago

Electricity is dangerous, as it can cause severe electrical burns, and lead to death, if a human being comes into contact with a live wire or a wire that is cut and hanging or lying on the ground.

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12y ago

You've probably been shocked before - by static electricity, like when you walk across carpet and touch a doorknob.

But a real electric shock is a lot more painful than that, and a lot more dangerous. Here's what can happen:

  • Muscles tighten up, making it almost impossible to pull away from the circuit.
  • Lungs constrict, making it hard to breathe.
  • Heartbeat is interrupted and blood vessels tighten.
  • Burns occur where the electricity enters and leaves the body.

It sounds scary, and it is - but if you remember the safety rules, you can use electricity without getting hurt.

Humans are good conductors

Did you know that the human body is a good conductorof electricity? That means that electricity flows easily through our bodies. Why? Because electricity moves quickly through water - and the human body is 70 percent water!

Another fact you need to remember is that electricity always tries to find the easiest path to the ground.

This picture shows what could happen if someone accidentally knocks a metal ladder against an unprotected power line:

  • The ladder comes into contact with the energized power line.
  • The electricity travels through the metal ladder to the man's hands.
  • The electricity quickly moves through the ladder and the man's body, trying to find the easiest path to the ground.

The power lines around your home have a protective covering. But it's only to protect the power line from weather - NOT to protect you from the electricity.

Accidents happen quickly

You might think that if you get shocked, you can pull away quickly and not get hurt. But electricity travels at the speed of light, so a person has almost no chance of pulling away.

And if the electricity is strong enough, it can cause the victim's muscles to tighten up so much he or she can't let go.

Anyone who touches someone who is being electrocuted can become part of the circuit as well. That's why you should never grab on to anyone who's been shocked.

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6y ago

Because it will shot an electric charge through your body and may fry vital organs and it will leave burns where it enters and exits the body. and hello

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12y ago

jump, play with water, play with metal and pull it

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