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have you ever seen videos of a hydrogen bomb that's why lol. but you don't use pure oxygen cause that's poisonous and extremely flammable you use air which is (70% nitrogen, 29% oxygen 1% etc..

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Q: Why is hydrogen more stable than oxygen in car tires?
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Why is the boiling point of water greater than hydrogen sulfide?

because in water between hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen bonds are more stable but it is not in dihydrogensulphide .

Does oxygen atoms become more stable or less stable when oxygen forms compounds?

Oxygen becomes more stable when it forms compounds.

Is nitrogen in tires better?

Yes, nitrogen is more stable than air in tires.

Oxygen and hydrogen helps to fire then why water prevent fire?

The electrons in the oxygen and hydrogen have a high amount of energy which is released when the oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water. The electrons are in a more stable set of bonds. The water then has no chance of bonding to decrease energy, so the water absorbs heat by cooling and boiling, so that the fire goes out.

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By number of atoms it has more hydrogen, by mass it has more oxygen. Each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. However, a typical oxygen atom has about 16 times the mass of a typical hydrogen atom.

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Does hydrogen peroxide blow up in water?

No. Hydrogen peroxide is usually dissolved in water to make it more stable. The peroxide you buy at the pharmacy is 3% hydrogen peroxide and 97% water. Pure hydrogen peroxide, which is a dangerously strong oxidizer, can explosively decompose into water and oxygen.

What is the unstable form of oxygen?

Oxygen has six valence electrons, which means that it needs to gain two to become stable. it takes much more energy for oxygen to lose its 6 valence electrons than it would be to gain 2. When atoms form compounds, they become stable.

Is hydrogen more than oxygen in universe?

Yes, there is more Hydrogen than anything else in the universe. Most molecules which contain Oxygen also contain Hydrogen, and there is usually more Hydrogen than Oxygen within the molecule already, for example Water, H2O (There are exceptions, such as Oxygen, O2 and Ozone, O3)

Which bond is more stable either carbon hydrogen bond or carbon deuterium?

Deuterium-carbon bonds are generally 6-10 times more stable than carbon-hydrogen bond.

Do oxygen compounds become more stable or less stable when oxygen forms compounds?

Oxygen has six valence electrons, which means that it needs to gain two to become stable. it takes much more energy for oxygen to lose its 6 valence electrons than it would be to gain 2. When atoms form compounds, they become stable.

What is more unstable magnesium fluoride potassium iodide or hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is the least stable.